дихання . 2025

пісок . 2025

breath . 2025 . h 6m

лійки . 2024

конуси . 2024

дихання 2 . 2024

дихання . 2024

Only White . 2024 чорне біле . 2023 червоне чорне . 2022

meduza . 2024

szczyt . 2024 . h 5 m

Religia . 2023 . metal sculpture , welding , pigment , h 2,8 m

vaga . 2023 . metal . welding . h 3,7m

дерево . 2023 / h 4 m

DAWID . 2018 . metal . welding . pigment . 1,3mx0,6mx0,7m

konrady . 2023 . h 1,8m

Опора . 2022 . metal . pigment . h 2,5 m

Guillotine 2023

PSY 2023

Gargoyle . 2023

notification . 2022

olexa furdiyak . slupy . 2022

pes . 2022

olexa furdiyak пси 2022

kometa . part 1 & 2 . 2022

pies . 2022

kollina . projekt . 2022

ananasbomb (bombananas). 2022

guillotine2. 2022 . metal . pigment . h 3,5 m

buty . projekt . 2022

olexa furdiyak_sen_2022

transparent project . 2022

suspended state . 2022

sound area . 2022

drowned starling . 2021

koriwka kaze mu ( koriwka’s dream ) . 2021 . video

clouds . 2020 . metal . welding . pigment . h 2,2m

sound 2 . 2021 . metal . welding . pigment .h 8,2 m

Bajeczka . 2021 . projekt

Arka . installation . synthetic . 2021

flüchtet aus den Schatten . Installation . Boxsäcke . Tinte . 2021

feedstock . 2021 . metal . welding . sound . pigment

sound . 2021 . metal . welding . light . pigment . h 4,5m . 3d

firebird . 2021 . metal . welding . light . pigment . h 4,5m . 3d

Зуби . 2020 . kinetic sculpture . metal . welding . light . pigment

Glosy . 2020 . metal . welding . pigment . h 4,5 m

Пес . 2020 . metal . welding . pigment

resistentia . 2020 . metal . welding . pigment

niebiosa . 2020 . projekt

object . 2020 . metal . welding . pigment

Guillotine . 2020 . metal sculpture . pigment . h 2,5 m

switowyd . 2020 . metal . welding . pigment

nagly grad . 2019 . projekt

103 . 2019 . projekt

перегони . 2019 . projekt . olexa furdiyak . yuri yaremchuk

sound-space . 2020 . speakers . metal . welding . synthetic

spear . 2019 . metal . welding . pigment

stairs to the ceiling . 2019 . metal . welding . pigment

56 . 2019 . metal . welding . pigment

krasa belly . 2019

silence in the sound . 2019 . speakers . metal . welding . syntetic . pigment . h6,5m

W . 2019 . metal . welding . h5m

olexa furdiyak . bibl . 2019

bibl . 2019 . metal . welding . h4,6m

voda . 2019 . metal . welding . h4m

кrаsа/mechaniczna gilotyna . 2019 . kinetic sculpture / metal . welding . pigment

morze . 2019 . kinetic sculpture / metal . welding . pigment

Krasa Alfreda . 2019 . projekt

spuścizna . 2019 . metal . welding . pigment . h9m

Krasa 1 . 2019 . projekt

uuu . 2018 . metal . welding . pigment . h6m

yellow kub . 2018 . metal . welding . pigment . h4m

Q2 . 2018 . metal . welding . pigment . h4,5m

Allegory . 2018 . concrete . pigment . 4x4x8 m. 3D

martwa krowa . 2018 . metal . welding . pigment . h 4,5m . 3D

up / down . 2018 . metal sculpture . welding . pigment . h 4 m.

Religia 3 . 2018 . metal sculpture , welding , h 4,7 m

gilotyna . 2018 . metal . welding . pigment . 1,2mx1,2mx1m

cotton 100% . 2018 . metal . welding . pigment . 2mx2,3m

poeta praktyk (poems) . 2017. syntetic . pigment . h 0,9m

RED . 2017 . synthetic . light . h 2.7 m . 3D

Universe-Universe . 2017 . metal sculpture . welding . h 2,7 m

Religia 2 . 2017 . metal sculpture , welding , h 2,7 m

4 . 2017 . metal sculpture , welding , h 2,7 m

Relacija. 2017

koriwka . photo b/w . 2005

Guildenstern . 2017 .metal sculpture . welding. concrete. h 4 m.project3D

Mother of Exiles 2. 2016. metal . sculpture . welding . synthetic fiber

rosenkrantz .2017.metal sculpture , concrete , welding , h 4 m

frankenbach.2016. metal sculpture . welding. concrete. h 4 m.project3D

Armstrong 2. 2014 . metal, pigment, electrical voltage

series pies . 2007 . cardboard . oil . 70×100 sm

series . 2014 . canvas . oil . 150 150 cm

portrait of FR. . 2016 . metal sculpture . welding . pigment black

aqualung 2. 2014 . barbed wire, synthetic cloth, colour.

kollina 2013 . metal sculpture . welding

Biblioteka. 2016. рolypropylene . ink . relief.

GLOWA 2015 . metal sculpture . welding

kollina 2 . 2015 . metal sculpture . welding

synthetic series 2008

lud . 2014 . video

wuho . 2013 . metal . welding . pigment black .
